The Favorites

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Defending Kate Walsh.

Well, our favorite religious lunatics on the right are at it again. Once again they show exactly how tolerant they are of opposing views. Who am I kidding? They're showing how tolerant they are of facts. Kate Walsh is a supporter of Planned Parenthood and a member of their board of advisors. She has done many things for Planned Parenthood in the past and is considered a great voice in the pro-choice community. Bristol Palin is the daughter of everybody's favorite ex-governor, Sarah Palin. Bristol Palin had a child before she finished high school. Bristol Palin is an expert on abstinence. Of all of the things I just stated, the "Bristol Palin is an expert on abstinence" is the falsehood. Now what do these two have to do with each other? Well Bristol was set to speak to the students of Washington University in St. Louis, Missouri about abstinence. The students did not want her there at all. Can you blame them? Would you want someone who knows so little about abstinence to lecture you about it? I didn't think so. Not to mention that Bristol Palin was going to get paid for the engagement. $20,000 is a lot of money to pay someone for a hypocrite session. Well, the engagement was cancelled. This is what landed Kate Walsh right in the middle of this. This is a tweet she released on the matter, responding to someone who wanted her to boycott Bristol Palin with them.

"Welcome to the Idiocracy! RT @elliekirsh: @katewalsh please join students at Wash.U. to boycott Bristol Palin ’s speech on abstinence. What does she know about college or abstaining?"

Now first things first. Bristol knows nothing about college because she's not in college. Second, she knows nothing about abstinence because, well you know. If anything, she is an example that abstinence does NOT work. I know that may be a little bit too much for the religious right to understand, but it's true. Since then, a lot of people have been upset with Kate Walsh. Her facebook page has turned into a warzone. If you take a look at her page you'll see people talking about boycotting her. You'll see people criticize her for her support of Planned Parenthood. The weird thing is that they look at Planned Parenthood and just see abortion. They pay no attention to the other things that PP does for women and men. Here's why they don't. These people believe that when a woman consents to sex, she consents to pregnancy. They believe that when a woman gets pregnant, she should be required to have the baby. They don't care about the life of the mother. If a woman is raped or is a victim of incest, then just have the baby and put it up for adoption. These are their beliefs. The GOP is already trying to re-define rape. A woman can have an abortion in the case of rape, but only if the rape is forceful. All rape is forcefull. These people are misogynists. These people look down on women who understand that they have a right to choose. Look at what they are trying to do to Kate Walsh. It's astonishing how sexist they are. All we can do is stand by Kate Walsh, the students of Washington University, and every woman who understands her rights. Abstinence does not work as well as the religious right thinks it does. They don't want sexual education in the schools but they have no problem wanting teachers to to read the bible or teach creationism. It's hypocrisy at it worst and it's something they know more about than anybody.

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