The Favorites

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Justin Bieber - Anti-Choice Advocate?

I never thought I would use my blog to address something that Justin Bieber was involved with. This is new territory for me. I don't like his music or his movies. I think he is a bad entertainer. However, I will try to be fair in this blog. Our dear friend Justin Bieber did an interview with Rolling Stone Magazine and he was asked many things. Some things were more serious than others. Healthcare was one of those things. I agree with Justin's remarks about healthcare, but this is not about healthcare. He was asked about abortion and instead of avoiding the situation, he offered this answer.

“I really don’t believe in abortion. It’s like killing a baby?”

Well there you go. Mr. Bieber does not believe in abortion. Justin Bieber is a pro-life (anti-choice) supporter. Now he was asked about abortion in the case of rape or incest. This was his response.

“Um. Well, I think that’s really sad, but everything happens for a reason. I guess I haven’t been in that position, so I wouldn’t be able to judge that.”

Pro-life organizations cheered Bieber. They feel that he is setting an example for the youth. Allow me to explain what type of example he is setting. Justin Bieber's pro-life stance is a dangerous one. This is a person who has a huge following. His following tends to be teenaged girls. We saw how they responded when rumors of a relationship between Bieber and Kim Kardashian surfaced. We know his fans are very impressionable. So if Justin Bieber is pro-life, then they will most likely follow his lead. So lets say that one of his fans happens to get pregnant. If she doesn't want the baby, she'll end up keeping it anyway because Justin Bieber is against abortion. He claims that when it comes to abortion in the case of rape that everything happens for a reason. Well lets say one of his fans happens to get raped. She's gonna go through the pregnancy and give birth to her attackers baby, no matter how bad it hurts her mentally. The reason being is because she wouldn't want to let Justin Bieber down. Need I remind you that Justin Bieber only cares about his fans because they line his pockets.

It is clear that he understands nothing about abortion and we know why he has a pro-life stance. Lets take a look at his upbringing. Pattie Mallette, Bieber's mother, is a born-again christian. Having been raised in a christian household, I understand what he was taught. I do not approve of parents indoctrinating their children with their religious beliefs. However, it's done and it can't be changed. His religious indoctrination is starting to show more and more. He is starting to be promoted as a christian entertainer. Justin Bieber is going to make a load of money off of a faith that was instilled in him by his mother. The bad thing is that he is going to influence teenagers to follow in his christian theology. He's going to influence teenagers to follow his advocacy of the pro-life cause. He is going to create thousands of anti-choicers who are ready to take away women's rights in his name. It's wierd isn't it? He's a believer in god, but he's pretty much like a god himself.

I have a suggestion for Justin Bieber. I would like for hime to go to rape victims and tell them if they get pregnant, they need to have the baby. I want him to go to victims of incest and tell them the same. I want him to do research on Dr. Tiller and Dr. Gunn. I want him to do research on the violent acts committed by anti-choice extremists. I want him to look at the hateful things they have said and done during their protests outside of abortion clinics. I want him to look at what they are trying to do to Planned Parenthood. Then I want him to ask himself one question. "Do I support this?" By taking his anti-choice stance, he has become a celebrity to those who have done the things i've listed. I also want him to actually read the bible. If he reads it once, all the way through, he will know how horrible it and religion in general really is. Justin Bieber is on the verge to becoming a newer version of Kirk Cameron. Eventually he will become a memory. I could be wrong. We could hear from Mr. Bieber for years to come. I only hope in those years he educates himself on abortion. Justin Bieber is at a crossroads now. He can become an advocate for women's rights or an advolcate for the fundamentalist christian movement. He could stand on the side of those who support the right to choose abortion or on the side of those who wish to take away that right. The ball is in your court Justin. Think long and hard before you take the shot. Do you want to be a champion of women's rights, or a villain to women everywhere. It's your call. So what is it going to be?

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