The Favorites

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Justin Bieber - Anti-Choice Advocate?

I never thought I would use my blog to address something that Justin Bieber was involved with. This is new territory for me. I don't like his music or his movies. I think he is a bad entertainer. However, I will try to be fair in this blog. Our dear friend Justin Bieber did an interview with Rolling Stone Magazine and he was asked many things. Some things were more serious than others. Healthcare was one of those things. I agree with Justin's remarks about healthcare, but this is not about healthcare. He was asked about abortion and instead of avoiding the situation, he offered this answer.

“I really don’t believe in abortion. It’s like killing a baby?”

Well there you go. Mr. Bieber does not believe in abortion. Justin Bieber is a pro-life (anti-choice) supporter. Now he was asked about abortion in the case of rape or incest. This was his response.

“Um. Well, I think that’s really sad, but everything happens for a reason. I guess I haven’t been in that position, so I wouldn’t be able to judge that.”

Pro-life organizations cheered Bieber. They feel that he is setting an example for the youth. Allow me to explain what type of example he is setting. Justin Bieber's pro-life stance is a dangerous one. This is a person who has a huge following. His following tends to be teenaged girls. We saw how they responded when rumors of a relationship between Bieber and Kim Kardashian surfaced. We know his fans are very impressionable. So if Justin Bieber is pro-life, then they will most likely follow his lead. So lets say that one of his fans happens to get pregnant. If she doesn't want the baby, she'll end up keeping it anyway because Justin Bieber is against abortion. He claims that when it comes to abortion in the case of rape that everything happens for a reason. Well lets say one of his fans happens to get raped. She's gonna go through the pregnancy and give birth to her attackers baby, no matter how bad it hurts her mentally. The reason being is because she wouldn't want to let Justin Bieber down. Need I remind you that Justin Bieber only cares about his fans because they line his pockets.

It is clear that he understands nothing about abortion and we know why he has a pro-life stance. Lets take a look at his upbringing. Pattie Mallette, Bieber's mother, is a born-again christian. Having been raised in a christian household, I understand what he was taught. I do not approve of parents indoctrinating their children with their religious beliefs. However, it's done and it can't be changed. His religious indoctrination is starting to show more and more. He is starting to be promoted as a christian entertainer. Justin Bieber is going to make a load of money off of a faith that was instilled in him by his mother. The bad thing is that he is going to influence teenagers to follow in his christian theology. He's going to influence teenagers to follow his advocacy of the pro-life cause. He is going to create thousands of anti-choicers who are ready to take away women's rights in his name. It's wierd isn't it? He's a believer in god, but he's pretty much like a god himself.

I have a suggestion for Justin Bieber. I would like for hime to go to rape victims and tell them if they get pregnant, they need to have the baby. I want him to go to victims of incest and tell them the same. I want him to do research on Dr. Tiller and Dr. Gunn. I want him to do research on the violent acts committed by anti-choice extremists. I want him to look at the hateful things they have said and done during their protests outside of abortion clinics. I want him to look at what they are trying to do to Planned Parenthood. Then I want him to ask himself one question. "Do I support this?" By taking his anti-choice stance, he has become a celebrity to those who have done the things i've listed. I also want him to actually read the bible. If he reads it once, all the way through, he will know how horrible it and religion in general really is. Justin Bieber is on the verge to becoming a newer version of Kirk Cameron. Eventually he will become a memory. I could be wrong. We could hear from Mr. Bieber for years to come. I only hope in those years he educates himself on abortion. Justin Bieber is at a crossroads now. He can become an advocate for women's rights or an advolcate for the fundamentalist christian movement. He could stand on the side of those who support the right to choose abortion or on the side of those who wish to take away that right. The ball is in your court Justin. Think long and hard before you take the shot. Do you want to be a champion of women's rights, or a villain to women everywhere. It's your call. So what is it going to be?

Friday, February 11, 2011

We're All Marxists (According To Michael Scheuer)

Ladies and gentlemen, you are all officially marxists now. Well, according to Michael Scheuer you are. I take it that if you are reading this, you supported the Egyptian people and you are happy to know that they no longer live under a dictator (i'm talking to you Hosni Mubarak.) Well over the last few weeks, conservatives have expressed their support of Mubarak. It's hilarious watching them walk it back. But, this scumbag takes the cake in the stupid conservative department. Enter Michael Scheuer, a Fox News contributor. This guy has a track record of making moronic remarks. Here's a comment from the O'Reilly Factor. Mr. Scheuer believes that actors like George Clooney are assisting the terrorists by bringing attention to the violence in Darfur. You heard right. Now when asked about it, he did what all great conservatives do. Change the subject.

“We absolutely stand on the sidelines, Bill. We live in a country where 50 million unborn Americans have been killed since 1973 with the support of Mr. Clooney and the rest of the Hollywood community and somehow we’re supposed to now risk our becoming involved in a place in the world where most Americans are not even familiar with the geography, including me.”

Yes. The abortion issue. An issue that has nothing to do with terrorism or Darfur. This makes him just another outrageous anti-choicer with a fetish for the bible. Now I won't go into that this time. Feel free to check out my other blogs on that matter. Now, the next quote from Mr. Scheuer was from an interview with all-american lunatic, Glenn Beck. This next quote lets you know whose side this guy is on.

“…the only chance we have as a country right now is for Osama bin Laden to deploy and detonate a major weapon in the United States. [...] Again, only Osama can execute an attack which will force Americans to demand that their government protect them effectively, consistently, and with as much violence as necessary.”

So, this guy is pulling on bin Laden to blow up something in this country. We're talking about lives here. This guy actually believes that bin Laden should detonate a bomb in this country so the people would demand their government to go to war. This guy has a dangerous obsession with violence, but that's not the purpose of this blog. The Egyptian people have been clear in their opposition to Hosni Mubarak and were effective in non-violently getting him to leave. Now, the American people supported the Egyptian people. Well, the conservatives didn't, but here is what Michael Scheuer had to say about this.

“Americans seem to be increasingly Marxist in their absolute faith in democracy for people who have never had any experience with the process.”

Congratulations! You're a marxist! Pat yourselves on the back. This tool actually had the nerve to call the American people marxists for supporting the Egyptian people. It's truly disgusting how Fox News and rightwingers feel about liberals. Liberals have been called terrorist sympathizers, baby killers, jesus haters, and nazis among other things. Now, we know how they feel about all Americans. We're all marxists for supporting democracy. Well lets set some ground rules. We'll be marxists for supporting democracy. The founding fathers would be marxists too according to his tortured logic. We'll be marxists as long as they agree to be freedom haters. As long as they agree to be dictator lovers. I really believe that these people would support Adolf Hitler if he were in power today. They would say no, but actions speak louder that words and the actions of the conservatives prove me right in this case.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Fox News: A Breakdown.

If you're like me, you wake up in the morning and watch the news to find out if anything important happened during the night. Some of us look to respectable news outlets. Then you have Fox News. The self proclaimed "Most Trusted Name In News." This sideshow is by far the stupidest thing you will ever see. Rodeo clowns pretending to be news anchors. Lets take a look at their glorious cast of characters. Your day starts of with Fox & Friends. Brian Kilmeade, Gretchen Carlson, and Steve Doocy lead the way into the maelstrom of idiocy. If you want sexism, racism, religious intolerance, and good old fashioned stupidity, this is your show. These three have track records in the foot-in-mouth department as long as a highway. Whether it's calling all muslims terrorists, denying global warming, promoting the fictitous "War On Christmas," or insinuating that women belong in the kitchen, these people bring it. Now after that pathetic excuse of a show is over, the next show that you must watch is America Live With Megyn Kelly. Megyn Kelly is the fantastically bad excuse of a journalist who actually believes that her Fox News buddies have never called or compared democrats and progressives to nazis. She does a great job of walking the thin line between victim and attacker. She's not a heinous as her buddies in the afternoon/evening slots or the tools in the morning, but she is pretty bad. Switch to the 3:00 PM slot and you'll see Sheppard Smith. Sheppard Smith may just be the most honest person on the entire show. He has no problem calling out bull crap and if he wasn't on Fox, i'd watch him more often. However, after Shep goes off at 4, Neil Cavuto comes on. This piece of garbage goes on and on for an entire hour blaming the democrats for all of the economic problems that the republicans caused and thanking the republicans for solving the problems that the democrats solved. Not to mention he has had Don Imus on his show. This sexist, racist, and all american idiot alone is enough of a reason to not watch Cavuto. His horrendous financial analysis makes things worse. Then you have the great Glenn Beck. The grand master of mainstream conspiracy theories. If Alex Jones is crazy (and he is) then Glenn Beck is beyond that. In his mind, liberals are Satan's buddies, nazis, communists, socialists, terrorists, and the monster that hides under Glenn's bed at night. His hour long "educational lecture" consists of bashing President Obama, bashing George Soros, and anybody else who thinks he's nuts. This is the guy who called the president a racist. But fear not people. He made up for it. He offered a clarification which made things worse, gave his "I Have A Scheme" speech, and has brought on several african american conservatives. Alveda King, the niece of MLK is one of them. Alveda King is in my opinion a disgrace to Dr. King's legacy and great name. Her views on abortion are pititful and her religious intolerance is astonishing. However, this is about Beck. He is clearly out of touch with reality. We know Glenn struggled with drugs, but i'm thinking that he's still struggling with them. Beck's ratings are on the decline so catch the guy now before he falls into obscurity. Skip past the pathetic excuse of a show at 6 and skip past Sheppard Smith again at 7. Now it is 8:00 PM. Now it is time for "The O'Reilly Factor." Now it's time for "The No Spin Zone." It's funny because all he does on that show is spin things to make him look good. Bill is going to blow your mind with his hypocrisy and stupidity. Liberals are evil, muslims are evil, Obama is failing, God is real because of the tide, Media Matters participates in nazi-like propaganda, and we'll do it live. Bill finds a way to embarress himself nightly. His fill-ins don't help. They come on and just make the show even worse. Bill has been schooled by President Obama, Christopher Hitchens, Richard Dawkins, Geraldo Rivera, and Al Sharpton. Not to mention John Stewart. After Bill-O The Clow goes off, it's time for Hannity. Sean Hannity and his one hour "NO FACTS ALLOWED" forum is something to be seen. He's just as bad as Beck and just as weird as O'Reilly. Sean Hannity is living proof that conservatism is the little brother of fascism. He spews nationalistic nonsense from every orifice at free will. Not to mention his has an amazingly disturbing obsession with "She-Who-Will-Not-Be-Named." Try to survive that onslaught of brain-melting nonsense and you'll see "On The Record With Greta Van Susteren." Greta is the token liberal of Fox primetime. She has a bizarre interest in "You-Know-Who" like Hannity and she panders to right-wingers an awful lot to be a liberal. However, she isn't as pathetic as the rest of the neurotic clowns on that network. Now, skip past the encores of O'Reilly, Hannity, Greta, and Beck and eventually you'll see "Red Eye." This is where the morons Fox deemed unworthy of a daytime slot appear. Not only is it uninformative, but it's bad for your eyes. Now it's time for bed and you have seen the worst of what Fox has to offer. When you hear that Fox News is a joke, think back to this blog. This should explain why people think that Fox News should be a Comedy Central show. A long list of idiots with extremely huge egos. Remember this little bit of information here. 100% spin + 0% reality = Fox News.

Friday, February 4, 2011

The War On Women's Rights.

Yes. I have gotten to the bottom of the right wing attack on women. It seems to me that they need to wage a war with someone. This time, it's not an the Iraqis or Afghans. This time, the right wing is waging an all out assault on women and their right to choose. Take a look at this quote that I got on Facebook when I posed the question of abortion in cases of rape, incest, or if the mother's life is at risk. This explains it all.

"I don't support abortion in these cases because of my values. Life--human life begins at conception. And this 2,3, 34, 89, 5489, 129578- day old person has inalienable rights: a God given right to LIFE, liberty and the pursuit of happiness."

There you go folks. That's what it's all about. Imposing the values of some onto others. Let's take a look at this statement. This person does not approve of abortion in these cases because it goes against their values. This person believes that human life starts at conception. This person believes that all people have a right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Well, all people should have those rights. However it is the conservatives who think that only fetuses should have those rights. This person actually believes that if a woman is a victim of rape or incest, she should have the baby if she is impregnated. This is an extreme belief. This person believes that if a woman gets pregnant and if her life is at stake, she should die rather than abort the child. That is a dangerous belief. We know that it's all religious with these people and you already know how I feel about religion. This is a disgusting mentality that the pro-life community has. So, this person believes that a woman should die rather than have an abortion, but if believes that people have a right to life. Weird isn't it. People have a right to life, but if you are pregnant then your right is revoked. They didn't think that Dr. Tiller had a right to life when he was killed. They didn't think that Dr. Tiller had a right to life before he was killed. The pro-life community is pro-birth, pro-fetus, and pro-death. It is not, never has been, and never will be about life. Once you are born, they don't care about you. Now onto Lila Rose. Lila Rose is the founder of Live Action which is a huge smear campaign. Live Action is a pro-life organization that has been praised by Sean Hannity, Pat Robertson, and Andrew Breitbart to name a few. Live Action released some videos this week that they feel is enough of a reason to cut the federal funding of Planned Parenthood. has been all over this smear campaign and has done an amazing job debunking the lies and pointing out the dishonesty of the films. A little bit of info about Lila Rose. This is the woman who said that as long as abortion is legal, women who have abortions should have them in public. This is not an honest person and her company shows this to be a fact. Andrew Breitbart, a master of lying to meet an end is one of her buddies. Another one is James O'Keefe. James O'Keefe was top dog when the ACORN videos came out. Not only were those videos dishonest, but James O'Keefe is a criminal. This is the guy who tried to illegally wiretap Louisiana Sen. Mary Landrieu's office. Not honest people. I personally believe that the men who listen to and believe Lila Rose only do it for her looks. She is a pretty woman, but only on the outside. On the inside, she's just as cold and cut-throat as the misogynistic GOP members who tried to redefine rape. Abortion is the right of the woman and it's usually men who try to take that right away. When a woman tries to follow these men and eventually lead them further into sexism, it's astonishing to me. Of all of the influential women of my time, Lila Rose is on a path of notoriety. She's on a path to being one of the biggest obstacles in the battle to keep abortion legal. She's gonna need a bigger camera. The pro-life movement had a chance to land a blow on Planned Parenthood, but couldn't get their video right. Once again they show their dishonesty and scare tactics. Once again, they fall on their faces. For satirical purposes, here is some food for thought. Live Action seems to be obsessed with pimps, prostitutes, and child-sex trafficking. I think an investigation into them is necessary. Abortion right have been under attack for a long time and I cannot and will not stand by and let it go unanswered. Neither should you.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Bad Religion.

In the beginning, God created man and anybody who disagrees is going to burn in hell. God does not like gay marriage, but he has no problem with slavery and sexism. God doesn't like tattoos, but he has no problem at all with human sacrifice. I think it's fair to say that Christianity is a big joke. A big dangerous joke at that. Personally, I believe religion in general is dangerous and if you disagree, I wouldn't have to go far to back that up. The attacks on abortion clinics and 9/11 come to mind quicker than anything else. Trust me when I say that there are more examples of how religion has played a huge role in creating chaos in our day and age. I could easily dissect Islam and the sexism and intolerance it promotes. If I were on television, i'd probably receive death threats tomorrow because of my criticism of Islam. However, I do not think that Islam is the most dangerous religion on the planet. It is however very funny. It's a religion of peace and you cannot mock their god or else. It's a tolerant religion that has no problem with you blowing yourself and countless others up. It actually rewards you for it. Islam is a very bizarre belief, but it isn't the most dangerous one in my opinion. I firmly believe that Christianity is the most dangerous religion on the planet. This is a religion that advocates slavery, sexism, racism, child murder, human sacrifice, homophobia, and outright stupidity. The scary thing is that not only do they believe they are right, but they have the weapons and the power to wipe out anybody who has a different belief. If you don't believe in their god, you're going to hell. If they find out that you don't believe in their god, they will ridicule and demonize you publicly. If one of their not-so-stable christian brothers or sisters find out about your non-belief, they will attack and/or try to kill you. Very tolerant of them, yes? Christians in the United States have done a fantastic job of demonizing muslims, pagans, atheists, agnostics, and any other belief or lack thereof that is not compatible with their belief. They do an even better job playing the victim. Christian rights are always being threatened by someone, especially us atheists. We are always trying to take their beliefs away from them. We understand that we cannot do that because they are dead set in their ways. All we want is for religion to be kept out of our schools, courtrooms, congress, bedrooms, etc. Is that too much to ask? The religious seek to pollute our government more than it already has, gain a tight grip on our education, and enslave the minds of every American citizen. They push their fairytales promoting their deity of choice. Whether it be Allah or God. Both equally bigoted and both have never been seen. I refuse to follow the psychotic teachings of a man who allegedly was the king of all of the Jews. I refuse to follow the words of a deity who punishes the entire world because two people ate one of his prize apples from his favorite tree in the vast wasteland that was the fictitious Garden Of Eden because a talking snake told them to. This is the same God who spoke to Noah and told him to build an ark and gather two of every animal. The story of Noah's Ark is complete nonsense because not only would the ark sink because of the weight, but the animals would tear each other apart. Put a lion in the same room with a goat and you'll get my point. This is the same God that magically impregnated a woman so that she could give birth to his son that would be killed by his own people so he could return to the world as a zombie to be snatched up to the sky to sit next his father in an invisible chair beyond the clouds. Do you see how stupid it is now? I think we can agree that Christianity is very cartoonish. Now here is how it is dangerous. Christianity creeps into every aspect of life. It creeps into the parts of life that it shouldn't. The fact that we have a National Day Of Prayer makes me want to vomit. The fact that we have Christians running our country who wish to turn us into a theocracy disturbs me. Look at what the GOP is trying to do when it comes to rape. Abortion is a sin in their eyes so if they can redefine rape, they will be one step closer to taking away the right women have to get an abortion. Forget about incest. They are throwing that out too. Their belief on abortion goes back to their favorite piece of literature. This is very dangerous. A nation should never attempt to pass legislature based on flawed religious beliefs. There is a quote that goes something like, "When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the American flag with a cross in its hand." I think we can see fascism coming ashore. It is up to us rational citizens of this nation to fight back against this disgusting act of religious indoctrination and intrusion. We will be looked down upon. Religion has sedated many in this country so prepare to be the minority. Do not expect to open many eyes. Prepare for your family to look down upon your use of your brain. Understand that being called evil by a christian is like being called a killer by a murderer. We must keep theology separate from education, government, and all other public institutions. I will take it even further. I believe we should eradicate religion as a whole. It should be illegal to proselytize in any public setting. It should be illegal to push your religious views on children. It should be illegal promote religion on public airwaves. It's time to sober up America. I think we can do without these things. I think religion ruins our country. I will be called a militant atheist for my beliefs, but that is not a bad thing. I do not wish to kill anybody for believing in a god. I wish to keep it separate from our lives. It should be private. It should not be public. It should not be funded by the government. Period.