The Favorites

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Chris Brown: F.A.M.E. Gone Wild

Just when you thought that Chris Brown might be getting over his incident with Rihanna (the one where he beat the hell out of her) he finds a way to prove everybody wrong.  We are looking at a guy who has an anger problem and not only does he not know how to control it, nobody seems to care.  For those of you who are not aware of what I am talking about, Chris Brown (or C-Breezy) went on Good Morning America in what was supposed to be him performing a song or two and promoting his new album.  Chris did his song and if you like his music, then his song was something you would like.  Then he sat down with Robin Roberts (my new hero by the way) for a little interview.  Well lets just say that interview did not go well AT ALL for Chris Brown.  After a musical performance, Robin Roberts decided to do what any good journalist or reporter would do.  She asked the tough questions.  Now Chris Brown clearly made some mistakes in this interview that someone should have told him NOT to make. First, when Robin Roberts asked him about the restraining order that was placed on him being lifted.  You would think this would be an opportunity for Chris to say something positive.  Something to let the world know that he is trying to get better.  Here is what he said:

"I mean, it's not really a big deal to me now, as far as that situation, and I think today's the album day, that's what I'm focused on."

Well sorry Chris. It is a big deal to a lot of people and you handled this one about as well as Sarah Palin handled the shooting of Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords.  Strike one for Chris Brown.  Now later in the interview, Chris was asked what his album means.  The album is titled "F.A.M.E." and we all know it's an acronym.  Well Mr. Brown decided to answer that question.  Once again, Chris proves that he suffers from a severe case of foot-in-mouth-itis.  Here again is what he said.

 "Forgiving all my enemies, and definitely, fans are my everything. That meaning, being able to go through everything I went through and show my fans that I love them."

OK.  Fair enough.  But who the hell are his enemies? Is it the LGBT community? We all remember his homophobic remarks he placed on Twitter and his pathetic attempt at apologizing.  Could his enemies be women?  I mean he did beat Rihanna.  But like the fantastic reporter she is, Robin Roberts asked him who his enemies are and he stumbled around through that.  It is clear that Chris was getting really bothered now.  He just wanted to promote his album and not be bothered with the past.  I have two words for you Chris Brown.  Mike Tyson.  This is a guy who still gets asked about what he did to Robin Givens.  This is a guy who raped a girl and actually did time for it.  You on the other hand got a harsher punishment.  You had to endure 52 weeks of domestic violence counseling and 1400 hours community service and you only did 582 of those.  Well after a few more tough questions and some more dodging, Chris was done.  He had no intention on performing again and stormed backstage where the tirade took place.  Well after losing his mind backstage, Chris thought it was a bright idea to throw a chair at one of the windows.

There's that anger problem I was telling you about.  Chris would later storm out of there shirtless and i'm sure his fans swooned at the sight of it.  Is this incident over?  Is it EVER over?  Later Chris Brown would take to Twitter (again) to defend himself and try to bring Charlie Sheen into this.  He would go on to delete the tweet, but he obviously doesn't know how the it works.  Once it's out there, it's out there.

“I’m so over people bringing this past s**t up!!! Yet we praise Charlie sheen and other celebs for there bulls**t.”

First, he couldn't be more wrong.  Charlie Sheen has been criticized from all angles.  The difference is that Charlie Sheen, whether you like him or not, has found a way to make the criticism into a game.  He has found a way to make his name even bigger.  How would Sheen put it?  He's WINNING, DUH!!!  You have yet to learn how to do that.  Another thing you did that you just don't do is that you brought another celebrity into your mess.  You need to learn that this is your problem and nobody put you in this situation.  Hopefully Chris Brown is going to learn to stop letting his anger and success get the best of him.  I doubt it.  When I look at Chris Brown, I see a man who has no respect for women, no respect for gays, a serious anger problem, and a fan base that is willing to overlook everything he does.  Which leads me to the second part of this issue.  I believe Chris Brown's fan base is another part of the problem.  Last night I took the liberty of checking out his Facebook page and I urge you to do the same.  This is a reason why I think he acts this way.  These are REAL comments from REAL people about his outburst yesterday.

Just a warning, some of these contain profanities.  The only thing I have done to these comments is delete all but the first letter of their last names.

Angelique A.
"CHRIS're wut's up!!!!!! Don't let them tear you down! U r too talented for that. Keep doin what you do with a smile on your face! By the way.........Rhianna sites the big one....OUGH! Waiting for you to come to Chicago soon:)!"

Giovonni G.
"F.A.M.E Is a great album,but Charlie Sheen kissing dudes on LIVE TV is cool(being sarcastic),and is on drugs,America has issues for real,and leave that Rihanna thing alone already,shes over it,hes over it,Done deal"

Shemaya K.
"chris baby i am so proud of u for leave ugly@ss on wats her name rihanna who dont know wat she got was good"

Trina J.

Kisha U.
"Everybody is entitled 2 get mad whateva pisses them off weather u a celeb or not!! The media is blowin dis way outta purportion! If u lose fans ova this then thats they lost! How da hell a real true fan gon get mad nd not wanna b a fan just bcuz u got a lil upset bout a subject that was sensitive 2 u knowin good nd damn well they prolly woulda did the same thing!! IM STILL A FAN I LOVE U ND UR MUSIC!! KEEP UR HEAD UP ND CONTINUE 2 DO U!! MUCH LOVE FROM A TRUE FAN!!"

You see my point?  But these are just a few of the many comments by his supporters who completely ignore the fact that he beat on a woman and did NO time for it.  The next four comments were by far the dumbest I saw all day yesterday.

Timothy N.
"That interview this morning was a setup; you know how these political news casting interviewers will stop at nothing to destroy a black man's career; in other words, hate me cuz u ain't me attitude...."

Shaunté S.

Hannah R.
"funny how rihanna is never asked anymore about the chris brown incident but chris brown has to be asked? fucking illuminati controlling the media stupid effing bastards"

Lagee G.
King James Bible
<> I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills,
from whence cometh my help. PSALMS 121:1

So this leads me to my conclusion that Chris Brown's supporters are enablers of the worst kind.  He could shoot someone in the face and they will defend him.  The people who criticized him for it were instantly attacked or told that it wasn't his fault.  So, this is Rihanna's' fault, Robin Robert's fault, ABC's fault, the media's fault, the Illuminati's fault, your fault, and my fault.  Chris Brown is completely innocent.  I think not.  No, i'm not picking on Chris Brown because I don't like him.  I criticize more important people as well. Some of them I actually like.  President Barack Obama is one of the people I criticize and I respect him far more than I do the Sisqo look-a-like.  Chris Brown is a man who beat a woman, did no time, and doesn't think anybody has the right to question him about the situation.  That is not how the world works.  This interview was not the first time Chris Brown dodged questions.  He went on Larry King Live a few years ago and other than comparing his relationship with Rihanna to Romeo & Juliet and stating that he didn't remember hitting Rihanna, he pretty much dodged Larry King's questions as well.  So, I think Chris Brown needs some serious anger management, he needs to take a break from the spotlight, and he needs to start taking responsibility for his actions.  His fans however need to stop encouraging this bad behavior because when they make comments like the ones I posted here, that is ALL they are doing.  Encouraging bad behavior.  Blame the victim, defend the abuser, and criticize anybody who thinks otherwise.  It's a disturbing trend.  Chris Brown is not being criticized because he's a black man, or famous, or talented (this part is debatable.)  He's being criticized because of his attitude.  He does not care.  This must change and it must change soon or in 10 years, we'll be talking about how he hit rock bottom and decided to make it his new home. 

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